• South Korea
  • +82-42-862-3982
  • +82-42-862-2982
  • ISO 9001, ISO 14001
  • 927 Tamnip-dong Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34036

Company Overview

JENICOM Co., Ltd. pursues love for humanity and the beautiful preservation of the natural environment, and as a company that serves and gives to customers, partners, and employees, we are a company that lives in harmony (Happy Together). Based on our mission to create a beautiful world, we present a beautiful company model through sharing management, and we are constantly changing and innovating with the vision of implementing a Creative Linker that connects and harmonizes people with people, and people with the environment GenUV is a leader in the UV sensor market with product development and active service under the brand name, and produces high-precision GaN/AlGaN-based UV sensors and related application systems. Furthermore, we are doing our best to support practical applications of UV sensors such as UV meters, water purifiers, air purifiers, and smartphone UVI checkers.

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