MACOM Presents Latest Products and Technologies for High Data Rate in Telecommunications at OFC 2022

Posted  by GoPhotonics


MACOM Technology Solutions announced to host live demonstrations of its products and a short course LiDAR Technical Talk the week of OFC, in San Diego, California. MACOM’s technology and products support high data rate electrical and optical connectivity for Telecommunications, Data Centre, and Industrial and Défense applications.

MACOM’s optical and high-speed data IC design, product management, and applications engineering teams will provide in-depth explanations of MACOM’s advanced semiconductor solutions and benefits. Customers will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with MACOM staff during the demonstrations. These demonstrations feature new product additions to MACOM’s broad portfolio of optical and high-speed analog and mixed-signal solutions.

OFC 2022 MACOM Short Course Technical Talk:

Speaker: Martin Zirngibl, Ph.D., Vice President
Title: Optoelectronic Devices for LiDAR and High-Bandwidth or 3D Sensing
Abstract: This course will give an overview of 3D sensing and LiDAR, both from a technology and application point of view. 3D sensing is now ubiquitous in phones and many other consumer applications. We will discuss technology, performance, and application trade-offs and give workshop participants a sense of where this field is going as well as what the current industrial and market landscape looks like.

OFC 2022 Live Demonstrations Include:

  • 1.6 Tbps TIA and Driver Interoperability: Demonstrating MACOM’s new low-cost, low-power PAM-4 analog chipsets for short-reach multi-mode applications. A second demonstration will showcase reference design interoperability with DSP-based partners.
  • Linear Equalizers for 100G per lane Applications: Demonstrating best in class Bit-Error-Rate (BER) leveraging MACOM’s PAM-4 Linear Equalizer portfolio.
  • 100Gbps per Lane Direct Drive: Demonstrating MACOM’s linear interface solutions for single- and multi-mode Direct Drive applications.
  • 25G PON Demonstration: Demonstrating industry-leading performance for 25G PON applications leveraging MACOM’s burst mode TIAs.
  • Laser and Photodetector Arrays for Chip-to-Chip Communications: Demonstrating MACOM’s 8-Channel Laser Array capability and performance, compliant to the CW-WDM MSA.
  • 56G APD and TIA in a ROSA Package: Demonstrating superior receiver sensitivity performance for extended reach >10-kilometer 100G ER and 400G ER4 applications.
  • 100/400G DML and Driver Demonstration: Demonstrating MACOM’s industry-leading PAM-4 Driver for DML applications at 100Gbps per lane.
  • Custom Optical Assemblies for Testing: Demonstrating MACOM’s custom solutions for NRZ and PAM-4 Signal Testing for Optical module testing applications.

Click here to learn more about MACOM.