The PhaseCam 6010 from 4D Technology is a Dynamic Twyman-Green Interferometer that operates at a wavelength of 632.8 nm. It has a 4 Megapixel camera with fully motorized control of all internal functions and on-axis illumination & imaging for optical path measurement. This circularly polarised interferometer has a fiber-coupled head and laser source module that delivers an output power of 1.5 mW and produces a beam of diameter 7 mm at FWHM.
The PhaseCam 6010 has Dynamic Interferometry technology that uses a single camera high-speed optical phase sensor to make wavefront measurements in less than 30 &mus. This interferometer has an acquisition rate of over 15 frames/sec and can be used under almost any conditions without vibration isolation.
The PhaseCam 6010 consumes up to 750 W of power and is available in a package that measures 18 x 16.2 x 9.1 cm (measurement head) with a 48.3 x 20.3 x 11.9 cm laser source. It is ideal for meter-class telescope optics, large imaging system alignment, vacuum & environmental chamber testing, testing computer-generated holograms, and production floor quality control applications.