The CFL-ZCFF from Calmar Laser is a Femtosecond Fiber Laser Module that operates from 780 to 1550 nm. It provides an average output power from 0.25-2 W and has a beam diameter of 1.6 mm. The laser produces pulse energy of up to 25 nJ with a pulse width of 90 fps and has a pulse repetition rate of 80 MHz. It is available in a module that measures 9 x 18 x 3.5 cm and is ideal for multiphoton microscopy, optical metrology, two-photon integrated circuit testing, materials characterization, terahertz radiation, 3D microprinting, nonlinear spectroscopy, ophthalmology, micro-machining, and materials processing, replacement of a Ti: Sapphire oscillator, and seeding higher power lasers applications.