The eMOPA 355-100 from CryLaS GmbH is a Diode Pumped Passively Q-Switched Solid State Laser that operates at a wavelength of 355 nm. It delivers an output power above 80 kW and has a pulse energy greater than 100 µJ. This single-pulse laser has a TEM00 beam spatial mode with a beam ellipticity of up to 2:1 and pulse width (FWHM) of 0.9 ns - 1.3 ns. It produces a free beam of diameter of 450 ± 150 µm and has a beam divergence (full-angle) of up to 3.5 mrad. This vertically polarised laser has a polarization ratio above 100:1, rise time below 1.5 ns, and pulse repetition rate from single shot to 1 kHz. It has a pulse-to-pulse energy stability of 2% and Pulse Energy Drift (over 6h) of ± 3%.
The eMOPA 355-100 has a master oscillator and diode-pumped power amplifier with a special optical design. It has an optional multimode fiber coupling and uses electrical/manual wavelength switch or electrical beam blocker. This laser can be controlled via USB/RS232 interfaces and supports BNC connector for external triggering (TTL) & SMB connector for 24 V DC output. It requires an AC supply voltage of 90 V - 265 V and consumes up to 100 W of power. This laser is available in a compact module that measures 56 (H) x 140 (W) x 265 (L) mm3 (laser head) and 129.5 (H) x 177 (W) x 180 (L) mm3 (control unit). It is ideal for marking, engraving, ophthalmology, photoacoustic, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), and mass spectroscopy applications.