The Neolit lasers are novel all-in-fiber sources of ultrashort laser pulses for seeding different laser systems. These devices are designed on proprietary world-wide patented SESAM-free technology, ensuring exceptional environmental stability and longevity. Offering vast flexibility, these seeders can function across a broad range of optical parameters: central wavelength spanning from 1020 to 1070 nm, spectral width from 4 to 70 nm, pulse duration from 1 to 10 ps, and pulse repetition rates ranging from 15 to 40 MHz. Ultrashort optical pulses are emitted directly from the fiber and can be externally compressed down to transform limited duration (<50 fs for the widest bandwidth).
There are three distinct versions of the Neolit seeder. The basic version features low average power (1 - 5 mW) and a uniform, Gaussian-like spectrum, making it a perfect choice for seeding regenerative amplifiers. The amplified version (AMP) offers increased average power and optional pulse control capabilities, positioning it as an excellent option for linear amplifiers. The broadband version (BB) has the widest optical spectrum (up to 70 nm) and is ideal for applications such as seeding femtosecond OPOs, continuum generation, or ultrafast spectroscopy. All three versions provide high quality temporal and spectral shape of the pulses and guarantee excellent results at the output of the laser system.