The MENHIR-1550 Series from Menhir Photonics are Femtosecond Laser Sources that operates at a wavelength of 1560 nm. They deliver an average power of up to 2 W, a peak power of up to 4 kW, and have a pulse energy of up to 1 nJ. These laser sources are linearly polarized and have a pulse width of less than 200 fs. They require a DC supply from 5 - 24 V and consume up to 50 W of power.
These laser sources offer excellent reliability with the low-noise performance from soliton mode-locking and support USB, RS232, Ethernet, and CAN interfaces. They are available in a hermetically sealed package that measures 240 x 160 x 89 cubic mm and is ideal for optical communication, precision microwave, THz generation, amplifier seeder, timing distribution, frequency comb, and A/D converter applications.