The EM510C from Leysop is a Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (KD*P) Pockels Cell that operates at a wavelength of 1030 nm - 1064 nm. It has a halfwave voltage of 6.2 kV (static) & 7.5 kV (dynamic) at 1064 nm and an aperture size of 8 mm. This dry or fluid filled pockels cell has an optical rise time of up to 1 ns and a contrast ratio above 1000:1 (at 1060 nm). It has a damage threshold of 600 MW/cm2, capacitance (unterminated) of 5 pF, and an insertion loss (with AR coatings) of 2%. This pockels cell requires a maximum voltage of 8 kV and is available in a compact package that measures ∅25 mm x 43 (L) mm. It is ideal for Q-switching, OEM, and pulse-picking applications.