The TE-77 from Atik Cameras is a CCD Camera that has a resolution of 512 x 512 pixels. It has a pixel size of 24 μm x 24 μm and sensor size of 12.3 mm x 12.3 mm. This frontside or back-illuminated camera has a full well capacity of 300,000 e- and readout noise of 6 e-. It has a 16-bit ADC and quantum efficiency of 46% or above 92% (with midband coating). This monochrome camera has a minimum exposure of 10 ms and digitization MBPS of 200 kHz or 2 MHz. It features reflection-free imaging and has a C-mount lens adaptor.
The TE-77 has a back focus distance of 11.9 mm ± 0.5 mm & 16.9 mm ± 0.5 mm (with shutter) and can be controlled via a USB 2.0 PC interface. It uses an e2v CCD77 sensor and chamber sealing methodology with increased cooling delta. This camera has asymmetric binning and is Linux, μManager & Python compatible. It requires a DC supply voltage of 12 V and consumes 10 A of current. This camera is available in a robust package that measures 178 mm x 127 mm x 127 mm and is ideal for chemiluminescence, fluorescence, spectroscopy, microscopy & bioluminescence applications.