508 PV

Spectrometer by CRAIC Technologies, Inc.

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The 508 PV from CRAIC Technologies, Inc. is a UV-Vis-NIR Microscope Spectrophotometer that has a spectral range of 250 nm - 2100 nm. This device adds spectroscopy and digital color imaging up to 6 megapixels to an external optical microscope or probe station. It can be used to upgrade an older microspectrometer with cutting-edge optics, electronics, and software. This spectrophotometer has a manual or fully automated operation and is permanently calibrated.

The 508 PV uses CRAIC&rsquos LightbladesTM spectrophotometer technology and features LambdafireTM spectroscopy, imaging control & analysis software with touchscreen control. This spectrophotometer can acquire high-quality spectra of even sub-micron samples rapidly, and non-destructively. It can be attached to an open photoport that enables the collection of transmission, reflectance, polarization, or even fluorescence & luminescence spectra of microscopic samples with a properly equipped microscope.

The 508 PV has an inbuilt thermoelectric cooler to improve signal-to-noise ratio and long-term stability. It combines hardware and software for automated spectral analysis and 5D mapping of samples with microscopic spatial resolution. This spectrophotometer is ideal for colorimetry of LCD & OLED displays, vitrinite reflectance of coal, coke & petroleum source rock, adding spectroscopy to a microscope, upgrading an older microspectrophotometer, adding thin film thickness measurements to a probe station, and biotechnology research applications.

Product Specifications

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Product Details

  • Part Number
    508 PV
  • Manufacturer
    CRAIC Technologies, Inc.
  • Description
    250 nm to 2100 nm, UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer for Biotechnology Research Applications


  • Applications
    Add spectroscopy to a microscope, Thin film thickness measurements addition to a probe station, Older microspectrophotometer Upgradation, Colorimetry of LCD and OLED displays, Vitrinite reflectance of coal, coke and petroleum source rock, Biotechnology re

General Parameters

  • Measuring Techniques
    Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Transmission, Reflectance, UV Spectroscopy, VIS Spectroscopy, NIR Spectroscopy
  • Spectrometer Type
  • Wavelength Range
    250 to 2100 nm
  • Spectrum Band

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