The ILT960-BB from International Light Technologies is a Symmetrical Czerny-Turner Spectroradiometer that has a spectral range from 180 nm to 1100 nm covering VIS and UV-NIR ranges. It has an optical resolution (FWHM) of up to 2.3 nm and a dynamic range of 3450. This CMOS-based spectroradiometer has a 60 mm lens with a stray light of up to 0.2 %. It has an integration time of 0.02 µs – 1 min and a signal-to-noise ratio of 330:1. This spectroradiometer has a wavelength accuracy of ±0.6 nm and a slit width of 25 µm. It consumes 300 mA of current & requires a DC voltage of 5 V and can be controlled via 16 bits, 2.5 MHz ADC.
The ILT960-BB has ISO17025 accredited calibrations and an optional DLL. This spectroradiometer includes SpectrILight III software, 1-meter long fiber, input optic, tripod, hard storage case, and calibration. It is combined with high-end optics for proper light collection including diffusers for cosine correction, integrating spheres for total flux, and radiance barrels for a narrow FOV. This spectroradiometer is available in a compact & portable design that measures 35.4 x 86 x 110 mm and is optimized for plant growth/PAR/plant photobiology, characterization of solar simulation, characterization of UV curing systems, photostability testing, accelerated weathering, radiometry & photometry measurements, LED illumination & color analysis, absorbance/transmittance, reflectance, and fluorescence applications.