How OFDR is Redefining Optical Component Characterization

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The demand for communications capacity and bandwidth is growing exponentially, driven by the needs of a more connected world and the adoption of technologies such as 5G, the internet of things (IoT) and massive cloud computing. Optical communications technology is growing and evolving rapidly to meet this demand. From inside the data center to metro/edge networks and core, long-haul networks, optical communications is the key enabling technology to global interconnectedness. Modern optical networks require ever higher-speeds and the associated optical and electronic systems must be smaller and less power hungry. This need has driven major investment in new component technologies that leverage semiconductor technology, resulting in ever smaller and more integrated photonic devices. And new component technologies demand higher performance test solutions that enable better designs, ensure optimum component performance, minimize costs and maximize throughput.  New measurement solutions based on OFDR technology provide a more comprehensive approach to passive optical component characterization that 

• delivers unprecedented insight into optical component performance for enhancing design and 

• provides unmatched speed of test maximizing throughput in manufacturing.