System-in-package (SIP) Materials Cutting with Green Picosecond Lasers

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System in package (SiP) is a chip packaging approach for further increasing the density of computing power. With semiconductor feature shrink slowing, the industry has turned toward the gap that exists between semiconductor processing dimensions (nanometersmicrometers) and printed circuit board (PCB) dimensions (micrometers-millimeters), a space spanning roughly three orders of magnitude. Such a large dimensional mismatch affords various approaches for further miniaturization. Functionally, SiP achieves performance gains by integrating historically discrete and isolated components such as memory, logic, radio frequency (RF) chips, etc., into a single package (often referred to as heterogenous integration) on a shared printed circuit board (PCB) substrate with the requisite interconnections designed in. SiP technology has become common in mobile consumer electronics such as smart phones, wearables e.g. watches, earpods and many other devices.