The CB3-80W from Light Conversion is a Femtosecond Laser that operates at 1030nm. It delivers an average power of up to 80 watts with over 800 μJ of pulse energy, and a pulse duration from 290fs to 10ps. The laser has excellent power stability of <0.5%RMS. This laser has a repetition rate of 60kHz to 2MHz, which when combined with an in-built Pulse Picker for output pulse timing and full-scale energy control with <10 microsecond response time, enables arbitrary shaping of the emission. The CB3-80W laser emits pure pulses with ASE background of <10-9and recently updated maximum energy specifications without compromising with the beam quality, industrial-grade reliability, and beam stability regardless of environmental conditions.
The output of this laser can be split into a burst of several pulses of pico and nano separation while having the ability to modify the burst envelope. It operates over an AC supply voltage of 110 to 220 V and consumes up to 1200 watts of power. This vertically polarized laser features an integrated harmonics generator that permits femtosecond applications at different wavelengths of 514nm, 343nm and 257nm. This laser is available in a module with a laser head of 632 (L) × 305 (W) × 173 (H) mm and is ideal for industrial and scientific applications.